Sparky the Fire Dog®
Games and fire safety tips for kids of all ages. Learn how to spot fire hazards in your home, and how to create an escape plan in case of fire.

FEMA For Kids
Learn how to be prepared for disasters and prevent disaster damage. You can also learn what causes disasters, play games, read stories and become a Disaster Action Kid.
Junior Fire Marshal
Learn lessons about fire escape planning, smoke alarms and general home fire safety. Take a quiz and become and official Junior Fire Marshal.

Visit Smokey the Bear
Only You Can Prevent Wildfires! Visit Smokey the Bear to learn more about the forest, forest fires and Smokey the Bear.
Elmo's Fire Safety Game
Have fun playing Elmo's Fire Safety Game!
In the kitchen:
Don’t wear loose-fitting clothing in the kitchen. Never leave the kitchen unattended while cooking, and never leave a child alone while cooking. Keep anything that can catch fire (like dish towels or wooden spoons) away from your stovetop.
In the bedroom:
Install smoke alarms in and outside of every sleeping area and test smoke alarms monthly. When you hear the sound of the smoke alarm you should:
Crawl low under smoke
Touch doors before opening them; if the door is hot, use another exit
Never go back into a burning building; children should be reminded not to stop or return for anything, such as a toy or to call 9-1-1
Upon leaving the burning building, children whose clothes have caught fire should immediately stop, drop to the ground and roll back and forth quickly to extinguish the flames
Practice an escape plan with your child.

Go Arthur Fire Safety
Have you ever wondered what you would do if there were a fire in your home? I have. Here are some important prevention and safety tips I learned.