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Budget Docs

Honor Guard

The Honor Guard projects a positive image of the Department and its members by performing as a well trained professional team at local and national events. The...

Find the document your looking for here. Also obtain Burn Permits & Reports Online. Newsletters, CERT Docs etc, in one convienent location.

In October of 1971 the Lee County Board of Commissioners started a department known as Lee County Fire Control. Prior to that date the County contracted with the City....

Southwest Florida Dry Season Safety Tips

According to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, homeowners should take a few key steps to protect their homes from wildfires:

Keep a "defensible space" of 30 feet around your home free of dense groups of trees and other potential fire fuel. If you don't have 30 feet, work with what you have.

Keep roof gutters clear of dried leaves, pine needles, branches and other debris.

Store combustibles such as gasoline a safe distance from the home.

Remove vines attached to your home that could carry fire to the roof.

Remove flammable plants such as palmetto, wax myrtle and melaleuca from within 30 feet of your home.

Use fire-resistant material for your roof, including tile or metal.

Keep your yard well-trimmed and watered.

Install water sprinklers on your roof.

Trim tree branches so they're at least 10 feet from the ground.

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Check Your Smoke Alarms



The Tice Fire and Rescue District operates two stations in East Lee County. We are located in beautiful Southwest Florida. Our personnel are trained and dedicated to making the Tice District a safer place to live, worship, work and play. We are always ready to answer the call.

Enjoy our site and feel free to contact us at 239 694-2380.

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